
A warm welcome awaits you all at

Isleworth Congregational Church


Isleworth Congregational Church


Sunday Services at 11.00 a.m.


Bible Study Icon - Isleworth Congregational Church


Thursdays – March 6th & 20th, 10.30am-noon

Inquire of the LORD while He is present, call upon Him when He is close at hand.

Is lv 6, NEB




Services this Weekend

Sunday 2nd February 2025

Church Scene


11.00 a.m. led by Mr. Nicholas Battelle

6.30 p.m. led by Mr. Phil & Mrs. Caroline Andrews
(with Holy Communion)


Congregational Federation Icon - Isleworth Congregational Church
We are a small, friendly, Christ-centred, Bible-based, independent Congregational Church affiliated to the Congregational Federation.
