If there is this love among you, then all will know that you are my disciples

by Rev. Antony W. Ball As I type this, our Harvest Supper is scheduled for tomorrow evening but, by the time you read this, it will have taken place and will, I trust, have been enjoyed – although it’s unlikely that there’ll be as many of us as in this photograph. It’s one of the […]

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…He was parted from them, and carried up into heaven

by Rev. Antony W. Ball This is an ultra-traditional depiction of the ascension, which St. Luke mentions twice1, but is not really described in scripture. Such artistic representations as this must inevitably be offered in a spirit of “as good a guess as any”, because we are not actually told anything about Jesus’ appearance – […]

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Then the disciple who had reached the tomb first went in too, and he saw and believed…

by Rev. Antony W. Ball Trouble is, we don’t even know for sure who that ‘disciple who had reached the tomb first’ was, we’re just told that ‘he saw and believed’. We think it might have been the apostle John (the writer of the Gospel) who mysteriously refers a couple of times1 to ‘the disciple […]

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As in Adam all men die, so in Christ all will be brought to life…

by Rev. Antony W. Ball Twice in his letters in the New Testament1, St. Paul compares Jesus with Adam, but the comparison is not immediately obvious apart from the scriptural claim that neither had a human father – and there’s more to it than just that. According to the creation story in Genesis2, Adam’s disobedience […]

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