Well, how the year flies by, it doesn’t seem to have been a year since our last Annual Church meeting. This was held last Wednesday evening and despite some absent faces was quorate. The main business of the evening was conducted with the secretary, treasurer, pulpit and flower secretaries remaining in post. Unfortunately, due to Antony’s illness he has decided to step back. So, the minute secretary and editor of the Newsletter will be shared by the deacons. Speaking of which the deacons for this year are Phil Andrews, Elizabeth Crewes and Sally Moody, we wish them well. After many years of loyal service and increasing ill health both Trisha Lumm and Antony Ball have decided to step down from being deacons, we thank them very much for their contributions over the years and hope they will continue to support the church in whatever way they can.
Phil gave his usual interesting annual report of the church’s eventful year, followed by shorter reports as were requested.
We will continue to only have an evening service on the first Sunday of the month for communion, which in November was led by Elisabeth Sweeney-Smith the president of the Congregational Federation. This was a very well attended service and she was very encouraging in her service and afterwards when speaking with her about our church.
The finances continue to give concern, as our treasurer informed us, with less income and increasing expenditure. Unfortunately, we are all aware of rising costs for our own bills. Please pray that income will increase, and other ways can be found by hiring the hall more.
We now enter the season of Advent with all its business and rush. Even so, it is good to spend time at church to remember the real reason for this time of preparation. We have two services in the evening in December, communion as usual on the 1st of December and our Carols by Candlelight on the 22nd of December. Both will start at 6.30pm, please come along and bring some friends. The carol service will also have mince pies and tea and coffee afterwards. Lastly there will be a short service on Christmas Day at 11am.
May we take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and blessed Christmas.