In accordance with our custom we do not have a Church Meeting in December, so there is nothing to report in that regard. Attendance at our Christmas services was a little better than last year and it was a particular pleasure to see Rosie and Joe Andrews joining their parents (both of whom had two readings each to ‘cover’ for absentees) at the Carols by Candlelight service. The shortened Christmas Morning service was even more sparsely attended. It seems very sad that a Church does not gather together to celebrate such a special event as our Lord’s birthday.
Our Bible Studies continue their regular pattern – Matthew’s Gospel in the evenings and Paul’s Letter to the Romans in the mornings – and, of course, we’d be delighted if you felt able and willing to join us regularly, or even occasionally. Most of us ‘take turns’ reading short passages from the scriptures, but there is no obligation so to do.
Our buildings continue to give cause for concern – perhaps inevitably in view of their age. The ‘damp patch’ in the Quiet Room (near the door to the boiler room) seems to have been rectified, but that in the church (near the organ) still mystifies the diaconate and Elizabeth will be contacting a structural engineer for his advice.
Even a cursory glance at the back page of the newsletter will reveal how very often Caroline Andrews is responsible for the preparation of the flowers – please do speak with her if you are able and willing to assist in this regard.