We ought to see how each of us may best arouse others to love and active goodness, not staying away from our meetings, as some do, but rather encouraging one another…
Heb x 24, 25, NEB
Sadly, no Church Meeting could be held last Wednesday (26th June) as only five of us gathered and the quorum number is six, so it became a ‘Meeting of Church Members’ but not a ‘Church Meeting’. We were able to discuss matters on the agenda, but not able to come to any decisions. One of the items up for discussion was an approach made to our Church Secretary, Phil Andrews, by someone wishing to hire the church hall to start a ‘morning meditation/silent contemplation/prayer group’ intended “to bring people together to foster greater wellbeing, mental health, connection and spiritual growth.” This does sound quite promising and there would clearly be an ‘overlap’ with the work of our Church – the matter had already been brought before the Deacons’ Meeting and we had hoped some definite progress might have been made.
We received the customary monthly Treasurer’s Report which told of an extraordinarily generous donation of £500 (and a further, separate £100) for Church funds, so ‘things may be looking up’ financially. The plant sale at Sally Moody’s home had achieved a profit of £36, for which we are very grateful.
The first ‘edition’ of a full-colour (bi-monthly) community newsletter has been circulated at no cost to the Church – copies are available in the vestibule – and had been distributed to 1,000 addresses locally. It was hoped that the next edition would be available around August 18th.
As far as we knew there had been no response to the article by Sally Moody in last month’s newsletter about curtailing evening services, so that was something else which would have to be postponed until the next Church Meeting (see note below).
A leak had occurred in the roof of the church (over the choir stalls), and had been investigated, but as the repair would necessitate the costly erection of scaffolding, it was hoped that this would not be repeated.
Note – a meeting to discuss the future of the evening service will be held at the Church following morning service on Sunday, 14th July, to which all are welcome.