Deacons’ Page – September 2024

Deacons' Page

Autumn is on its way, as we notice the evenings drawing in and the warmth of the sun diminish.

We hope you have managed to enjoy the month of August and get away and rest, even if only at home or with visits to or from friends and relatives.

During August Antony was feeling very tired and this resulted in him having tests which also involved hospital admissions. Unfortunately, this led to a diagnosis of AML. He is now undergoing treatment as an outpatient. We ask that you keep him your prayers.

The business of the church resumes with the usual meetings of Deacons and church meeting which is on the 25th of September. The Thursday Bible study will start on the 6th of September with coffee at 10.30 am.

The church meeting happens to be on the Wednesday before Harvest; so please think of a worthwhile harvest charity. We have supported the local food bank with tins, which we can do as well as a financial gift.

You may have noticed a few gaps on the back page, such as who is opening the church, of offering to do the flowers on a Sunday in memory or an anniversary of someone. Please consider these to support your church. Each person within our church family is important and each needs to help as much as they can, thereby making Sundays special.

We look forward to seeing and hearing from you all in September.

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