The February Church Meeting was unfortunately not quorate, which in fact made it not a Church Meeting at all but a “Meeting of Church Members”, the difference being that whilst business could still be discussed and ideas deliberated upon no binding decisions could be taken.
It was a shame, because there are so many matters which do at some point need to be considered – be it regarding the fabric of the Church building, the state of our finances or, most importantly of all, anything related to the well-being and development of the Church. As has been commented upon elsewhere in this newsletter, we are again in something of a Catch 22 situation. In this instance we need to make decisions to grow membership and congregations, but until we get enough members along to make a quorum we can’t take decisions.
Phil has indicated that he intends to table a motion at the first available opportunity to reduce the quorum for Church Meetings from eight members to six. But we need members to be present to pass the motion (or reject it). At the moment we are rather like a Premier League football squad struggling to field a team, with a long injury list and other key players away on international duty. Let’s hope we can resolve this shortly. He also advised of plans to establish a “Friends of Isleworth Congregational Church” group, independently of the Church, using social media and other publicity material to establish a bridge between the Church itself and others in the community who may not attend services but who may nevertheless have goodwill for us as a local institution. Should any members have any reservations about such a proposal, please do let us have them as soon as possible.
Looking ahead, we will be holding a dedicated service on Sunday 7th May along with our friends from Hosanna Church for the King’s Coronation, which will be followed by a lunch. It is hoped that with our (hopefully) improved numbers for this special occasion this might prove an attractive opportunity for inviting friends and contacts along who may otherwise be reluctant to join us. Please give some thought as to how best to take advantage of this.
Caroline is presently looking into the possibility of installing some low-energy ground lights outside the Church building (if you want to see how they help to brighten up a place, pop along to St. Bridget’s). This will help to counter the impression related to us by some that the building often has a “closed” look to it – even when it’s open!
We continue to pray for our friends and members who are beset by illness or injury, and ask that God may grant them strength. We hope they are looking forward to rejoining us at our services and other activities as soon as they are able.