Those of us who had been fretting over declining attendances were feeling positively reassured when enough members turned out for the July Church Meeting to make a quorum not just under the new rules, but under the old rules too – and this despite the fact that there were still some regular faces missing. It was particularly nice to see Jemima Ocran once again after so much time – welcome back, Jemima!
Before moving into a discussion of ongoing business the meeting heard the sad news of the passing of our dear friend Nick Buss. Nick was a regular at our Church for many years before making the switch to worship in Chiswick with his wife Clarita. He is fondly remembered for his passion for Manchester United and the music of Buddy Holly, as well as of course for his contribution to the life of the Church. Our prayers and condolences go out to Clarita and to all of the family.
We discussed the pigeon problem, or more precisely the recent rectification thereof. Members heard that we had engaged a team of experts to remove them humanely, and whilst doing so to restore the cellar to a viable condition. We discussed a kind offer made by Church members at Wimbledon to donate to us the cost of the work, and a decision was taken to gratefully accept. We thank our friends at Wimbledon from the bottom of our hearts for their wonderful generosity at a time at which find ourselves in a position of increasing financial difficulty.
This being the last Church Meeting before Harvest, we decided that we would hold our Harvest service on Sunday 24th September, and to (hopefully) repeat last year’s successful, and most enjoyable, fish’n’chip Harvest Tea the afternoon before on the 23rd. The reason this would be the last gathering before that event is of course because we take a break from Church Meeting during the month of August. It had already been agreed that we would likewise suspend morning and evening Bible Studies for the month, resuming again in September.
In spite of the brevity of the meeting a lot was discussed, deliberated and decided upon. We thank God that we are able to continue with our earnest endeavours in this way in spite of all the challenges that we encounter. Long may it be so.