Last Wednesday evening we had to have another ‘Meeting of Church Members’, which is what we call a Church Meeting when too few Members attend to constitute our quorum number of eight – although on this occasion we were only ‘one short’ after a latecomer had arrived straight from work thinking that she might thereby enable the Church Meeting to be convened. A Congregational Church is paralyzed unless it can hold Church Meetings – the deacons can (and do) keep things ‘ticking over’, but no fresh initiatives can be embarked upon and the Church cannot progress and is therefore liable to stagnate. We could, of course, lower that quorum number of eight but then, at least theoretically, that lower quorum number could take decisions which would not be endorsed by the majority of Church Members, which contradicts a fundamental principle of Congregationalism: that Churches are ‘run’ by their Church Members.
One of the topics debated was how we should celebrate the coronation of our new king, Charles III, and it was suggested that we should have a celebratory lunch on Sunday May 7th, to which we would invite the congregation of the Hosanna Church, between our worship service and theirs. If you are a Church Member and do not agree with that suggestion, then please inform one of our deacons of your objection.
We also discussed the decline in numbers worshipping with us, particularly in the mornings. This was partially accounted for by the health of some of our Members and by others wintering in sunnier climes, but was nevertheless of concern. Leafleting was mentioned; as was the ‘bring-a-friend’ principle that personal encouragement is often a particularly effective method of recruitment.
Elizabeth Crewes also informed us of various Lenten Activities being held locally in other Churches: a Gumley House Convent Lent Prayer Morning on March 18th – a quiet, reflective morning of prayer from 9.15 a.m. for a 9.30 a.m. start, finishing at midday – and Taizé Prayer Through Lent also in the chapel of Gumley House Convent on Thursday evenings from 7.30 p.m. for 45 minutes on March 2nd, 9th, Wed.15th, & Thurs 23rd & 30th. There also to be an Isleworth Environment Summit, organized by the Isleworth Society at Isleworth Public Hall on 16th March from 7 p.m. – all welcome, refreshments provided – further details in the vestibule.