We are almost halfway through Lent, with Easter on the last weekend of March; which is also when the clocks go forward!
During Lent you may have promised yourself to read a special book or attend other churches’ activities. Or maybe come to both services here, there is still time! It would be lovely to hear about these.
As the weather improves leaving home earlier and being in church a little earlier to meet with others or if you can we would welcome volunteers to open the church in the morning and welcome attendees.
Due to having our church meeting on the last Sunday of the month for these first three months of the year, news from the meetings is delayed. This is because the Newsletter is printed in time for the last Sunday of each month.
Unfortunately, our January Meeting was not quorate, so it was a meeting of church members and therefore no decisions could be made. I do hope this is not the case for February and March. The meeting in March is on the 24th after Sunday service, as the last Sunday of March is Easter Sunday.
The crumbling paint on the wall near the vestry will hopefully be rectified once the cause of the problem has been attended to. The down pipes from the gutters need attention and quotes for the work have been acquired. Now a decision must be made as to which company we ask to do the work. This is where you church members are vital.
The Christmas donations have been sent to the same charities as last year with the Deacons’ agreement. We also have made provisional dates for our gift days in April and October.
With regards to Lent please remember Mothering Sunday which will be on the 10th of March and the various services in Holy Week, such as Maundy Thursday Communion at 7pm and Good Friday at 11am. Decorating the church on Saturday, time to be arranged, and the services on Sunday are at 10am, 11am and 6.30pm.
May we wish you a very Happy Easter.