There has been no Church Meeting during the holiday month of August upon which to report but, of course, the life of the Church continues throughout this holiday season.
It has been good to have Mary Downes back worshipping with us during our morning service for the past couple of weeks.
We are grateful to all those (from our own Church and from the Hosanna Church) who have cut their way through all the undergrowth of the small garden at the back of the church and disposed of all the consequential foliage. There are now plans to extend the paved area. If you have a hedge-trimmer, Elizabeth would be pleased to hear from you.
The guttering along the southern side of the church which was damaged by branches of a tree in Redlees Park has now been repaired – although, of course, we’ve not had enough rain recently to test the effectiveness of the repair.
We are grateful to Elizabeth Crewes for arranging for the PAT-Testing (portable-appliance-testing) of all the electrical equipment used by our Church and by the Hosanna Church.
We are looking forward to our Harvest Festival on the last weekend of September. We’ll be having a Fish & Chips supper at 6.30 p.m. on Saturday 24th and our festival services will be on Sunday 25th.
Our Morning Bible Studies (10.30 a.m. – 12 noon on the first and third Thursdays of each month) have continued during August and our Evening Bible Studies (8.00 – 9.00 p.m. on first, third [and fifth] Wednesday evenings of each month) will resume on September 7th. In the mornings we are studying the Acts of the Apostles and in the evenings Paul’s Letter to the Colossians.
Our Annual Return to the HMRC, for the purposes of Gift Aid donations, has been completed by Jeannette’s husband Peter Butler. We are very grateful to Peter for doing this for our Church each year and, as our Treasurer explained in last month’s newsletter, it is a way by which most of us can increase our giving to our Church by 25% without any extra cost to ourselves. If you pay any income tax, either on your earned income or on your savings income, please do discuss this with Elizabeth.
We are grateful to all in our Church who keep things ‘ticking over’ even during a holiday month.